Thursday, December 31, 2015

Recap 2015!

Assalamualaikum W.B.T

2015 bakal melabuhkan tirai dalam beberapa jam ja lagi. So dikesempatan ni, aku nak la buat summary sikit pasal tahun 2015 dalam hidup aku tahun ni. Baik dan buruk, semuanya aku lalui tahun ni tapi semua tu la yang boleh aku jadikan pengalaman untuk menempuhi masa-masa yang mendatang.

Tahun 2015 aku mulakan dengan the worst nightmare of everyone! Going through surgery.
Yes! I have been admitted and going through surgery for my problem which is Thrombosed External piles. Kalau nak tahu cerita penuh, check it out la the rest of my story here.

Tu saja la satu-satunya perkara buruk yang berlaku dalam 2015, yang lain Alhamdulillah, semuanya indah berlaka. Bulan Jun pula, aku dapat Convo! Yahoo!!Kita convo for diploma dulu, insya Allah rezeki tahun baru degree pula. Amin!

In Sept, I manage to go to Singapore with a minimal budget and got to buy keychain. With just RM100. At least I have experience Singapore right?

In October 2015, I'm finally a one year old Physiotherapist. Alhamdulillah, lepas 3 tahun dah belajar dah cukup setahun masuk ke alam pekerjaan. Tak mudah sebenarnya bila dah kerja tapi nak buat macam mana,. Macam tu la lumrah hidup.

The best thing happend in 2015 is going to Korea with my own saving. Alhamdulillah dengan niat dari start masuk kerja, kumpul perlahan-lahan, dapat juga menjejakkan kaki ke Korea. Sekarang ni bila tengok-tengok balik, macam tak percaya pula. Alhamdulillah.

Alhamdulillah. 2015 berlalu dengan pantas sekali dan aku bersyukur sebab aku dipanjangkan usia dan diberi peluang untuk merasai semua pengalaman ni. Insya Allah kalau ada peluang lagi.

For 2016, there must be some wishing list that I wish for. Of course i do but with hard work and prayers from all, Insya Allah, I can make it through.

1. Be more ikhlas in my works
2. Aim for degree (I have tried this year, but my result did not allowed me to)
3. Be more confident and mature? (people said my age is 19)
4. To be able to control my money (Please don't let me spend a lot)
5. A lot of amal jariah and sedekah
6. Plan to perform Umrah. (Insya Allah. Please pray for it)
7. To give a lot of happiness to my parents since I did not married yet.

Well, that shall do. Insya Allah I can make it. Amin!

Good bye 2015 and thank you for everything that you have offer me.

Welcome the new 2016 yet unknown the path yet!


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